Friday, January 23, 2009

2nd half of Week 1 in Intermediate

To finish up the first week, we made sauteed guinea fowl with caramelised apples (man, it's such an ugly bird, check it out here, .)  Starters was a cassoulette of shellfish.  Typically it could be served in a baking dish, but this version was a savory tart.  Easier to portion and cleaner dishes!

Pastry-wise, we made Galette Bretonne, a shortbread actually, and Pain d'Epice a l'Orange, spiced bread/cake with candied orange.  On demonstration was Far Bretonne, a typical baked fruit dessert, not unlike clafoutis.  Another (rather simple) dessert was fine apple tart on puff pastry with caramel ice-cream.

Hope these wet your appetites.  

Have a good weekend! 

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