Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sugarwork - Boiling syrup to 165C and stop immediately by sinking the pot in a bed of ice water for only 2 secs. Pour unto a SILPAT, a few drops of coloring and you're ready to go! *wink*
Yes, and a pair of heat-resistant gloves of course!

Sugarwork has always been a reason why some do not want to complete Superior Pastry. It's one of our entries for exams, and they cannot take the heat! Those petite hands that were excellent in making cakes and pastries and piping, find themselves excessively burnt from the heat of syrup. These blobs of 'molten glass' are stretched, poured, pulled, blown to various showpieces that you can see here.

These below are chef's demonstrations.

These below are what I created from the practicals:

Because of the humidity of tropical Asia, the sugar pieces will start to become sticky quickly, and over the course of a day, start to melt. Even in air-conditioned rooms. The only help is a dehumidifier, but you can't turn that on all the time.

Monday, I'll have a 5 hrs session to put together what we've learnt so far to design a piece I'll have to replicate and present on Tuesday, to submit for exam.

1 comment:

russel said...

looks like a lot of work, but am sure it was fun!