Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cuisine Week 2

I have a break on (most) Wednesdays this term.  Take the opportunity to upload more regularly. 

Dessert:  Baked bananas in its skin, with red fruits sauce and banana sorbert.
Starter:  Foie gras flan with morel sauce and herb salad.
Main:  Hake fish wrapped in parma ham and grilled baby eggplants, side of olives and fava beans with turned carrots/celeriac root/zucchini, sauce fresh tomato and olive oil with herbs.  You will see 2 platings here, the one with a more yellow background (landscape) is the chef's demo, the (portrait) one with dots of sauce is my dish served to the chef.  

Continuation:  We looked at a creamy pumpkin soup with truffles and smoked duck breasts; main:  pot-au-feu of monkfish in a herb butter sauce.  The photo with the snowpeas radiating outwards on a dish is chef's, mine was a centralised plating with 2 'discs' of chopped herbs at opposite corners.  Dessert:  Liquorice flavoured panna cotta with some crunchy sugar studded choux allumettes


kip said...

Lots of turned vegetables, that must be a pain. Other than that looks great. Do you get to choose the size of portions to plate? The servings are generous.

Illy said...

hello Kip,
yep, it was a pain, but really satisfying to see on the plate, lol! have you tried? it's actually quite therapeutic.
The mains you see here are single portions. Yeah, they're slightly larger than usual. We usually cook for 4 portions, but plate only 1, there's so much food anyway, so out it goes to the chef. He takes a bite of everything and gives his comments and recommendation, e.g. doneness, size of cuts, seasoning, etc.
I'm glad you liked chilli crabs, by the way!