Ok, the verdict!
1) Individually, the taste of each sides are very good, but when put together, some chefs found it had too much taste, overwhelming (!! I never knew it could be a problem!)
2) The lamb is cooked well, rosé, but it could have remained in the oven just a min or two more.
3) Too much aioli, it's a strong sauce, just a drizzle will do. I agree, actually, I wanted to put into a sauce bottle and drizzle some designs on the plate under the lamb, but as I said, last minute jitters made me forget everything!
4) The crust of the tart was a little tough around the rim, most likely pressed too hard when putting into the ring.
5) Chef liked the eggplant 'frites' and fig.
6) Millefeuille was good, but maybe the fig compote was a little too sweet. (I didn't add any sugar, it must have come from the dried figs and the port wine. I'll use just plain red wine in future, and maybe blanch the dried figs.)
7) Sauce (lamb jus, etc) was good!

Oh gee! What a relief!! Man, I'm so tired now, and I've a headache, I can't write a lot, but will just say it went well. I was a little late for my presentation, a little last minute panic at the last moment when everything had to be ready and warm.
I was supposed to serve at 11.05 a.m., so I tried to delay a bit to make sure everything ended up warm and crispy/crunch on the plate (re: humidity), but in the end, small little hiccups happened that needed some quick fix, plus the anxiety of the final exams just got a little too much. Hands were trembling. By then the workstation was messy, and my plate started to get cold. I'm sure those cost me a few marks.
What I learnt: Start plating already. It's prob going to get a little soft anyway, chef will understand, but of course it should be as soft as a wet towel. That I should use a hot potato to make aioli. Mine split halfway, and chef suggested a quick fix. And that a good assistant is absolutely vital!
I couldn't come down from the adrenaline after I submitted and took a photo with chef! A good 2hr Thai massage was soooo good after that!

Finished, it's over!!
Oh gee! What a relief!! Man, I'm so tired now, and I've a headache, I can't write a lot, but will just say it went well. I was a little late for my presentation, a little last minute panic at the last moment when everything had to be ready and warm.
I forgot to take a picture of the serving plate (to the judges), but the school admin took one, I'm gonna get from them. But meanwhile this was the large silver platter for 3 that we have to piece together as well.
I stayed back voluntarily to help the other students in the exams in the time slots after mine, so, I've been on my feet since 8am. I need a good rest!!! I'll write more in a few days time.
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