Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sweet endings...

The last practical for pastry for the week was a very simple chocolate lava cake with a mousse and coconut ice cream, but the important point was to test our plating.  (Mine is on the grey marble).  We also made a strawberry cake (fraisier), which I believe most people incorrectly label it as a strawberry shortcake, in fact there's nothing 'short' about it at all ('short' meaning a heavy butter-based crisp, crunchy e.g. shortbread biscuits, tartshells).  This is just a plain and simple sponge with mousseline cream and fresh sweet strawberries.   The green layer on top is marzipan, edible of course!

For cuisine, we deboned a fish (while keeping it whole!) and stuff it with mushroom duxelles, we made an easter pâté in puff pastry (with lotsa eggs!  Doesn't it look like a SG 'steamed meat bun??), typical of Le Berry region of France, lastly, cod (real cod!) panfried, served with flemish-style red cabbage and beer jus vinaigrette.

Other dishes on demo, was a 'belgium pizza' - flammenkuchen, potjevelesch (a sort of jellified cold dish with various meat in it, it reminds me of some chinese cold appertiser), rooster in red wine finished with sauce thickened with fresh pig's blood.  2 plated desserts: mirabelle parfait, and caramel chibouste with speculoos (a type of thin spice cookie), and le poirat - pear tart.


Bee said...

Can I place an order for strawberry cake sans marzipan?

Illy said...

for sure!!!