Monday, October 27, 2008

Genoise Sponge Cake

This recipe, we are studying Blanchir - incorporating air into the mixture with eggs and sugar, and leavening with whipped egg white.

Although it's called a sponge cake, it's essentially called Pain de Genes, Genoise bread.  It's very italian like the Pandoro that you get around Christmas, half bread (in texture) half cake (in taste).  Some people will find it dryer than the usual sponges.  But the heavenly crusty sliced almonds was delicious!  (Actually, I kept in the fridge over 2 days, and it got a bit more moist when brought into room temperature, with a light aroma of almond, it's great!)

The technical director took the class today, cos' our pastry teacher was on holiday.  He did a very impressive job fashioning something great out of a simple sponge cake!  Look at this!

And a lemon pound cake called Weekend.  Yes, you typically eat it in the weekend in France...*rolls eyes*

This was what we had to produce in class.  I think I like my marzipan roses!

Pop over to look at the roses in my balcony.

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